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As educators and school administrators, you have taken on the responsibility to educate our children. We want to support those efforts by helping make your lives easier and more rewarding.

Exclusive perks & discounts you can trust

Our Chalkboard Plus team is continually sourcing priority access to exclusive discounts and value-added services that matter most to schools and educators. To deliver on these high value offers and preferred pricing offers, we partner directly with North America’s top vendors servicing the education sector.


Single-Source Fulfillment

With Chalkboard Plus, school administrators and educators benefit from the single source fulfillment of discounts and value-added services. Our team manages, delivers and supports every aspect of your experience.


24/7 Concierge Service

You’re always in good hands with Chalkboard Plus. Our bilingual customer service team is available online and by phone to deliver personalized concierge service to school administrators and educators, including school trips, entertainment, travel and hotel bookings.


Zero Cost Programs

Zero cost = free! That’s right, our fully managed perks programs and concierge services for schools and educators have no setup or administration fees.

Powered by Perkopolis

Chalkboard Plus is powered by Perkopolis, Canada’s leading provider of fully managed perk programs in use by over 2,000 Canadian organizations. With Perkopolis, Chalkboard Plus is able to offer turnkey Perks Programs that enable school administrators and educators access to exclusive perks from North America.